Thursday, June 4, 2009

WTF Turkey

THere was a female wild turkey about 25 feet up int eh tree in the neighbors yard yesterday. this thing was huge and looked REALLY akwward sitting in a tree.... I took this pic through some binocular lenses.


I love finding that one Dorito that is absolutely covered in cheese powder. theres a few in every bag. The most recent bag I had had the normal amount, but this one was just insanity. it was coated so thick that you could literally write your name in it. Eating it was pure heaven and worthy of documentation such as this.


Me and my friend Dustin made this fire. Our girlfriends left us with teh task of creating the fire because they claim that wew failed at it during a camping trip we took a while ago...

whats up NOW?!?! (this fire got a LOT bigger after this pic was taken)