Saturday, April 4, 2009


My favorite bird has to be the Peregrine Falcon. They are deadly and they are also the fastest bird on the planet. On a dive, it can reach speeds of over 200mph. Well there is this tall building by my house that I keep seeing them circling overhead by:

I looked up falcons on the internet and found out that there is a nest box at the top of this building and that the falcons are looked after by a local group. Today was my first sighting of one not flying so I ran home and got the binoculars and took a pic of the bird through one of the lenses:

Hopefully I see it again, Ill try to get a better shot next time.

Cars and Coffee

Today kicked off the start of the car show season with the monthly Cars and Coffee event at the Auto Motorplex in Chanhassen. Despite the near freezing temperatures there were a TON of cars that came out. Nothing too exotic, more Porsches, Audis, BMWs and Corvettes then anything. There were THREE Audi R8s there and I have a feeling that they will be insanely common this summer so this will be my last posting of them unless I see one that is heavily modified:

R8 interior:

There were two lotuses there, one Elise and one Turbo Esprit that I have never seen before:

This show is the first saturday of every month.


I had a little extra time today before a car show out in Chanhassen this morning so I decided to go check out the spot where famous musician Prince used to live. His recording studio is in Chanhassen right on highway 5. It is called Paisley Park and I dont think he records there anymore but this is where his career took off from. It is still a recording and movie studio and is heavily guarded and fortified. There are video cameras everywhere and gates and such.
Paisley Park:

The view from around the side (truck entrance):

His actual house that he used to own is down one more intersection on highway 5 and then north on a certain street. You cant see anything from the road besides the guardhouse but from satellite views, he had a HUGE mansion with many acres of property back there:


As if there weren't enough hummer photos in my blog yet... this is one that was spotted in Eden Prairie. What is cool about this one though is there was a badge on the side that said "biodiesel", so I'm assuming it has a conversion for the engine to be more energy efficient... Either that or he didn't want the nutjob environmentalists torching his beast of a truck! Still, I will have one of these some day.