Saturday, December 31, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
Look at this fucking piece of shit!!!! HAAAAAHAHAHA i laughed my ass off when i saw it! this is the "hummer" h3.... whats next a friggin station wagon for the h4? christ this is stupid. i can stand next to it and see over the top. it would take a damn giant to see over a real H1! oh man, i thought the h2 was bad but WOW!... oh man im sure this journal entry sucks but i just dont know how to describe the suckiness of this hunk of dog shit.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Monday, December 12, 2005
ok this completely out-does my christmas lights display... this tree is REALLY big and has more lights on it then i think you can buy at one time at the store. seriously, a person when standing up next to this tree comes up to right under the bottom first branch... it provides almost daylight conditions for the neighbors :) how annoying.... i like these people lol
Friday, December 9, 2005
today a friend came in from phoenix arizona to purchase a car that i know the owner of. the car was a 1984 lamborghini countach. i love lamborghinis.. anyways heres my favorite pictures snapped from today.... first one, a VERY VERY rare sight... a lambo in the SNOW!

second, me sittin in the thing... its very cramped.
second, me sittin in the thing... its very cramped.
Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
death wish
this brave little mouse decided that its totally normal for mice to be out and running around the shop i work at during day hours with three people in the office... he nearly ran over my foot. when i grabbed my camera i was sure hed run away but he just sat there sniffing around and being cute. i let him escape outside since if i would have told anyone else there they would have smashed his head in.
Friday, November 25, 2005
this shit is bananas! B-A-blah wahtever
dear god, i love banana flavored stuff!!!! (except for 99bananas alcohol, screw that stuff!)... it sucks that the only two candy items that i know about are runts and laffy taffy.... those are still friggin awesome though... anyways, this is a candy gumball machine at the mall that has JUST the banana runts! i was in heaven!!!! i am going to steal this machine some day.
closing in
this is the wall of doom that was from wednesday night when it got really cold really fast.... it was sunny when i walked out of work and about a minute later when my car was finally warmed up i looked out my window and saw this wall of dark scary clouds moving in at a REALLY rapid rate.... just thought this was a cool pic...
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
i already knew
hahaha thank you cities 97. allthough im sure it was unintentional given the number of times they play his songs, john mayer totally got shafted on this billboard. all you can see from the highway is STING... and nothing else. and they barely even play sting! you know you suck when stings name is 5 times as big as yours on something!
Monday, November 21, 2005
the REAL shit
ok this is waht the hell im talking about... compare this awesome beast of a machine to the puny piece of shit in the post below from saturday. this thing just plain old fucking rules and looks like it will crush you even when standing still. after i get my lotus i think ill get one of these and make my sole purpose in life to run over H2's as much as possible.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Yep... this is a toy version of the "hummer" h2. even the toy version is too shitty to do anything impressive... see that sheet roll in front of it? yeah it wont make it over.... kinda like in real life. i hate the hummer h2 with a passion. it does NOT deserve the name hummer on it... when you think hummer, you should think of the military vehicle that can drive OVER other cars and climb hills and go through rivers and mountains and stuff... last commercial i saw for this h2 eyesore it was like "hummer, like nothing else"... yeah you know why? cus everything else can actually do something in terms of off roading. their commercial tried to make it appealing to offroaders and the outdoors adventure people by showing it driving across a DRY LAKE BED. there is NOTHING that is even higher then a god damn speedbump in a dry lake bed for christs sake. god enough of this ranting. im gonna go find a h2 and spit on it.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
if winter was a person, id go to jail for stabbing it. I love minnesota i just cant fucking stand the cold here. this is a note to let all of you know (if i havent told you already), that next year at this time, i will be moving to las vegas, nevada... where there is no snow and the average temp year round is 85 degrees... there is sun 300 days of the year. theres many other reasons but those are the main ones. i hate winter with a passion and im willing to bet i hate it more then you. sure everyone gripes about the cold and stuff, but then when summer rolls around they gripe about how hot it is. not me my friends. my theory is that you should fucking pick one and stick with it. see im skinny and dont have a lot of "insulation" on my body to keep me warm in these frosty conditions. (yeah i just called all of you fat, screw off, you are all bigger then me). if i want to be warm i have to bundle up to the point where there is so much layers that i cant even put my damn seatbelt on in the car cus i cant reach around to get it. i hate scraping ice from my windows, i hate having to wait 10 minutes for my car to warm up before going to work. i hate shivering and tensing up because of it. i hate fallin on my ass due to ice, i hate almost plowing into the backs of other cars on the road. i hate how everyone else that drives in a snowstorm acts like its the end of the world if they do over 20. i hate how the salt from the plow trucks eats the crap out of the paint on your car. i hate that if i have a nice collector car i can only drive it 4 months of the year. i hate how heating your house costs assloads of money. i hate how coming in from outside always requires you to spend 5 minutes taking everything off again. i hate people tracking snow and dirt through my shop when they come in from outside for something after i just cleaned the floors. fuck winter. i dont ski, snowboard or snowmobile. I dont build snow forts, snowmen or make snow angels. i fucking hate this stuff.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
behold, part two
allright, i dont know if any of you remember my first segment of camera phone pictures from when i first got my phone, but i showed some pictures of waht the capability of the phones camera could do... well since then every photo in this journal has been taken from that phonecam but none have really and truly been planned and are just simple point and shoot with no setting adjustments... anyways, i got bored and decided to run a test on my camera today to evaluate some things and compare to an upcoming model... and i just felt like sharing some of the photos taken while running this test.. these are all taken from the sony ericsson k750i 2 megapixel cameraphone. they have all been reduced to half of their original size.the detail on some of these amazed me even after having this phone for 5 months. 4 of these are extreme close ups including the end of a piece of wood, some leaves, some screws, and some bricks. the last one is a backyard shot showing detail level in the trees and far away buildings and on an image to see it full size!

Tuesday, November 8, 2005
I am oficially a "tagger"!!! I just got my backpack back from last march when the saint paul police busted me and a friend when we were about to go paint on a train. nothing happened except we both sat in sepeerate squad cars with handcuffs on for three hours while being questioned and since we didnt paint anything they had nothing on us. they did take all of our stuff though including my pocketknife, backpack and 10 or 11 spraycans. they wouldnt give me the spraycans back because its illegal or some shit but they claim to have "thrown away" my pocketknife which was a gift from my grilfriend at the time and probably the most useful tool ive ever had. i used it about twenty times a day at work. not to mention it was a really nice knife. im really fucking pissed about this. to officer alan anderson, of the saint paul police, you worthless piece of shit. that knife meant a lot to me, but its not just about the knife. you are a prick in general.FUCK THE SAINT PAUL POLICE!oh yeah, notice how it says item # 2? yeah, im willing to be that item #1 was my knife.
Wednesday, November 2, 2005
just tried these chips. as most of you know, i LOOOVE spicy foods! the guy who makes these chips, Blair, is in the guiness book of world records for having the hottest hot sauce known to man. the way hotness is ranked is on a scale of units called scovilles... a jalapeno is sometihng like 2,500 or something..... a habanero, the hottest pepper out there, is ranked around 500,000... this dude takes pure extract from the peppers and as of right now has a sauce that has sixteen MILLION scovilles. it comes with a warning label and disclaimer. and one speck of it in a bowl of soup will make your mouth burn for a few days. ANYWAYS< these chips were fucking delicious and pretty mild compared to his hot sauces, but when compared to the stuff that most people are used to, like normal jalapeno chips and "spicy" wings and stuff from restaurants, these chips are insanely friggin hot. it took me about a half hour to finally get the burning to go away after finishing the bag... if you can find them, buy them, like the bag says, FEEL ALIVE!!!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
blackhawk UP
ok for about a half hour today, this was hovering over my shop in south minneapolis, near the airport.. it came low enough a few times to throw rocks up and hit it... i think it had something to do with the opening of a new runway at the airport or something... just thought it was cool... one doesnt normally see blackhawk military helicopters every day.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Monday, October 10, 2005
Sunday, October 9, 2005
on friday, october 7th, 2005, i said farewell to my impala that i have owned for 6 years. it was sold in order to pay off my other car and so that i can get a lotus esprit as you have seen in some of my previous posts. i know all of you are probably saying "but jamie, this car was your LIFE!" well yeah it was, until just about every other asshole in the state started getting impalas and it jst became another trend. theres a reason you see mcdonalds commercials and kids books with lowrider impalas in them now. they are just too damn popular. go to a lowrider show... wahts the main car there? yeah it was impalas when i got mine, except i was one of a few, now its like any lowrider show is basically an impala show. its just not fun anymore. so ive decided to get something exptic and fast and something that not a lot of people have seen or know waht it is. something that will actually make people stare and tell their friends about later. something that can whoop the SHIT out of riced out hondas. i just gotta save up a down payment and i got one.anyways, this is the lsat picture ever taken of my imp, at its new home in south minneapolis. the new owner is cool and will do with this car waht i had hoped to do, continuing the dream.
Saturday, October 8, 2005
old cans
these spraycans are all really old.. they are the old style krylon before they got shitty and started watering down their product so that it would run and drip, rendering it almost useless for graffiti writers.. the three cans on the left are the rarest of them all and are probably from the early 60's. these fetch huge sums of money on ebay. now before you go digging through your garage hoping to make a quick buck off some old paint, chances are you dont have any of the collectible labeled cap versions so dont waste your time. youll end up owing ebay money if your stash doesnt sell ;)
Thursday, October 6, 2005
i splurged. theres 100 rounds per box and the mags hold 32 each... everything in the pic is full... you do the math.

*let me stress again that if your thinking "those" thoughts about the possibilities of what i could do with all this, you are the sick minded individual my friend, not me. so fuck you. i do not like being associated with "those" type of nut-jobs.
*let me stress again that if your thinking "those" thoughts about the possibilities of what i could do with all this, you are the sick minded individual my friend, not me. so fuck you. i do not like being associated with "those" type of nut-jobs.
with the really strong rain last night, water started seeping into my basement. below is a picture of the start of the chaos. my window wells for all of the basement windows filled up to the brim and me and my dad had to go out with flashlights and buckets about 5 times and drain them out and dig trenches, with no shirts or shows, in the pouring fucking rain. the water was so high in my bedroom window well that if i would have opened it, it would have all came blasting in my face... it came in in the steady stream you see in the picture below and completely soaked my bedroom floor. it smells like mold in here now. and yes the water in that pic is flowing really fast.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
ha look waht they are doing to prevent graffiti writers from scribing their names into bus stops now!

they etch the glass in diagonal patterns that you cant scribe into making it damn near impossible to get anyhting readable on the bus stop windows... i see two problems with this.. first, this is just gonna mean smaller writing inside the actual glass see through parts, and second, they did nothing to prevent people from going over the advertisements on the side since they didnt etch those! stupid bastards
they etch the glass in diagonal patterns that you cant scribe into making it damn near impossible to get anyhting readable on the bus stop windows... i see two problems with this.. first, this is just gonna mean smaller writing inside the actual glass see through parts, and second, they did nothing to prevent people from going over the advertisements on the side since they didnt etch those! stupid bastards
Thursday, September 15, 2005
new computer part two
ok i just showed you my work computer.. now her eis my new laptop!!!!

this is a dell inspiron 9300 which is one step down from their best gaming laptop, the xps. this is pretty much top of the line, best you can get right now. it has a 100 gigabyte hard drive, pentium m processor, 1000mb of ram, 17 inch screen, dvd burner, wireless networking, and best of all a 256MB Nvidia Geforce graphics chip which is the best available right now. you have to see some games in action on this thing. it will play half life 2, doom 3, and far cry all on the highest settings and detail levels without a hitch! oh and by the way this post is the first post from the new computer :)
this is a dell inspiron 9300 which is one step down from their best gaming laptop, the xps. this is pretty much top of the line, best you can get right now. it has a 100 gigabyte hard drive, pentium m processor, 1000mb of ram, 17 inch screen, dvd burner, wireless networking, and best of all a 256MB Nvidia Geforce graphics chip which is the best available right now. you have to see some games in action on this thing. it will play half life 2, doom 3, and far cry all on the highest settings and detail levels without a hitch! oh and by the way this post is the first post from the new computer :)
Monday, September 12, 2005
new computer part 1
this is the new computer we got for my work... pretty nice system, good monitor, fast cpu... everything you need... but i got a surprise for tomorrow!
Sunday, September 11, 2005
fake ass gun
this was on a movie poster... this is not a real gun. this a blatant airsoft pellet gun... look at the clip sticking down from the bottom.. see that little vertical slit running up and down it? look closely in there nand you can see teh spring that feeds the bbs into the gun... stupid people thingking no one would notice... especially when its placed that close to boobs. every horny airsoft player is gonna see this and be like "hey fake gun and fake boobs"... sorry, they could of at least tried to make the guns real or something. maybe im just too picky.
Land of the Lotuses!
Saturday morning was a small gathering of the local area lotus club on their way to a car show in wisconsin... I took some pics. just the esprits because im getting sick of the elises already... too damn many.

Saturday, August 27, 2005
EXOTIC CAR HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today was the 3rd Annual Wheels of Italy car show at the Lake Calhoun Executive Plaza in Minneapolis. There was 6 Lamborghinis, about 50 Ferraris, some Maseratis, Panteras, Ducatis and just about everything else you could ever want, even some Lotuses even though they arent from Italy.

Lets start with the Ferraris and get them out of the way, Im kinda sick of them now.

Next, some Maseratis:

Some Panteras:

Lotus and Porsche:

Lotus Elise:

Lotus Esprit (like the one im getting):

Older Lamborghinis:



And fnially, the best car of the day, the 1999 Lamborghini Diablo VT Roadster. My favorite car in the entire world!!!!! Out of thousands of people at the show, I was one of the only three that got to sit in it! Ill have those picstures later though cus they are on a friends camera.

The scene on Lake Street as they left:

Thats all for now!
Lets start with the Ferraris and get them out of the way, Im kinda sick of them now.
Next, some Maseratis:
Some Panteras:
Lotus and Porsche:
Lotus Elise:
Lotus Esprit (like the one im getting):
Older Lamborghinis:
And fnially, the best car of the day, the 1999 Lamborghini Diablo VT Roadster. My favorite car in the entire world!!!!! Out of thousands of people at the show, I was one of the only three that got to sit in it! Ill have those picstures later though cus they are on a friends camera.
The scene on Lake Street as they left:
Thats all for now!
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