Thursday, July 7, 2005


todays nice cars. its a secret where the warehouse ones are from. there was a SHITLOAD of nice cars in there including multiple ferraris, some jaguars and a few hotrods.first we have a delorean. like the one in back to the future where the doors open gullwing style.
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second, another lotus like the one im gonna be owning soon... oh, note the couple ferraris in the back.
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and third, saving the best for last, a lamborghini countach!
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ok, here is my next car if i get rid of the impala. and im serious about this one. its a Lotus Esprit Turbo. these things are in my realistic price range and i could afford one right now. the thing is, they are pushing enough horsepower to keep up with most lower end ferraris and even nip at the heels of the lamborghini countach performance wise. top speed of 170! mark my words i will have one of these in my garage by next year this time!
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my artistic photo for the week. the IDS building downtown. nothing special. damnit i want to go to the top of this thing.
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on july fourth after i was done lighting off my entire arsenal, i got a call from my parents saying that a house in my neighborhood was on fire and that every firetruck in the metro area was there. we went and it was true. this is the aftermath. according to the rumors, this guy worked on lawnmowers in his garage as his retired pass-time and evidently had a lot of gasoline in the garage that somehow went up in flames, possibly fireworks related. no i was no where near his house if thats waht your thinking!! anyways, everyone is safe and even the dog was rescued. yes that is a minivan and yes there is the shell of another car in waht used to be the garage there. it kinda melted.
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this is my friend bill. me and some friends were driving through central edina where the big houses are last year and came upon this house with a three car garage full of nice cars including this ferrari, a porsche 911 race car, mercades slk500 convertible and a shelby cobra. we asked if we could go up the hill and take a look and the owner said sure. we talked to him for a long time and he gave us beers and was a really cool guy. he just happened to pull up next to me at a stoplight the other day. this is the type of guy i want to model my life after. every nice day, you can drive by his monstrosity of a mansion and see all the garage doors open and his car collection under the neon, being shown off magnicifently. of course my cars will be better though. ;)
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