I headed out to the airport about 9 this morning... When I got there there were a few people at the fenceline where I parked. Nothing too exciting going on. This is the view from my vantage point so you can see how far away I was:
The C-17 was still in the same spot as yesterday but the C-130s had moved:
About an hour later a police SUV with a secret service agent inside parked a little down the path on the other side of the fence to monitor us gawkers:
A few minutes after that the Minnesota Emergency Response (SWAT?) Team brought their vehicles through on the way down to the aircraft. The front pickup truck has a MEAN bumper on the front that could smash through a lot of things!:
A little bit after that, a few vehicles (the important ones) from the presidential motorcade were moved out of their secure overnight storage and brought down to the area where the president would be getting off air force one. This included the two limos, the armored SUVs with the agents with machines guns inside, and a SWAT truck:
On either side of the important area there were scissor lifts for sniper platforms. They were watching us, watching them. In this image you can see the sniper standing, and his spotter kneeling behind the block thing in the middle with binoculars aimed at us. The actual sniper rifle itself is on the floor of the platform at the right end of the lift:
As time progressed, certain vehicles made a shield/barrier around the important area to keep us spectators from seeing too much... This is the whole area with the motorcade in position waiting for the president:
Air force one came in above us and circled down to the far end of the runwawy opposite of where I was to land so I didnt get a good overhead photo of it but I got some good taxiing shots anyways!:
We were told by the police standing near us that we werent allowed to take photos once air force one was on the ground... I snuck some in anyways because just about everyone else was snapping away with their camera too. I actually saw Obama get off the plane but wasnt quick enough to get a picture of him:
More pictures i shouldnt have taken (not like these reveal anything)... The motorcade drove down the middle of a runway to their strategic exit point to the highway:
I left shortly after this to try to head to another vantage point to see the motorcade go by but was too slow. It also didnt help that there were cops at EVERY median and entrance point to the highway. They completely shut down the highway when the motorcade is passing:
I went back to see the plane take off later but it was pretty uneventful and went the opposite way of where I thought it would be going anyways.