Monday, March 21, 2005


This is my desk at home. This is where I spend teh other majority of my life when my friends are being stupid. yeah thats DIET pepsi. got a problem with it? oh, and my mouse pad is made out of paper. you know you want a paper mouse pad too! admit it
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This is my collection of Lowrider Magazines. I got every issue since July of 97 as well as every single issue of Street Customs from then too. yeah. i feel special. shut up.
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Psycho Dog!

This is Pawsi. As in positraction... but spelled like paws.... cus hes a dog. get it? ha.... yeah. Anyways, hes a mix between Husky and Shepard and hes under a year old and hes just a little psycho who doesnt listen to anyone and isnt obidient at all. He jumps up and play bites people and hes really hyper and he is dirty as hell because he is a shop dog so when he touches you at all, you pretty much have to go home and change. fuckin dog. I took this picture after i ate my food in front of him from the other side of the door. He got really pissed and tried to attack me through the glass. damn psycho.
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Here is my desk at work. This is what I see for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. I have a cool little custom hot wheels Impala on top of my monitor and some snacks over there by the mouse. There is always something to eat by my side.
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