so vice president dick cheney was in town yesterday speaking at the national guard base at the airport and then heading to wayzata for a fundraiser event thingy.i always notice stuff goin on at the airport a day ahead of time because the huge ass C5 Galaxy cargo plane that carries all his limos and secret service stuff and the rest of the motorcade lands at the airport and parks on the national guard area.... yesterday morning on my way to work i noticed the plane already there. i drove up along the outskirts of the airport where this nice vantage pont is where you can see the runways... there was the C5 galaxy cargo plane as well as an F-16 fighter jet and a Blackhawk helicopter parked near it. when i got to work, I checked wcco when i got to work and sure as heck, it said cheney was gonna be in town and was due to arrive around 2 or so. I took a long lunch and scoped the area out some more. along the highways there was a squad car parked in the median about every hundred feet or so along the route that the motorcade would be taking to wayzata. by the time i got to my nice vantage point the plane was already on the ground and cheney was in one of the hangars giving his speech. I had to go back to work but when i got off i headed right back over there and right as i pulled up to the vantage point i saw the motorcade cruising along the runway area towards air force one. in a matter of ten minutes everyone was on the plane and it was taking off. I stuck around a little bit longer and watched them load all the limos and motorcade vehicles into the C5 and then i went home.the first picture shows my shot from the morning before cheneys plane came in.... from left to right there is the blackhawk, a c130 cargo plane, the f-16 fighter and then the huge ass C5.

the second picture shows airforce one (not the presidents 747, but a dual engine 757) starting to pull away around 5:30PM

sorry for the crappy photos, its the most zoom i could get. i was really far away.