Tuesday, November 8, 2005
I am oficially a "tagger"!!! I just got my backpack back from last march when the saint paul police busted me and a friend when we were about to go paint on a train. nothing happened except we both sat in sepeerate squad cars with handcuffs on for three hours while being questioned and since we didnt paint anything they had nothing on us. they did take all of our stuff though including my pocketknife, backpack and 10 or 11 spraycans. they wouldnt give me the spraycans back because its illegal or some shit but they claim to have "thrown away" my pocketknife which was a gift from my grilfriend at the time and probably the most useful tool ive ever had. i used it about twenty times a day at work. not to mention it was a really nice knife. im really fucking pissed about this. to officer alan anderson, of the saint paul police, you worthless piece of shit. that knife meant a lot to me, but its not just about the knife. you are a prick in general.FUCK THE SAINT PAUL POLICE!oh yeah, notice how it says item # 2? yeah, im willing to be that item #1 was my knife.