they etch the glass in diagonal patterns that you cant scribe into making it damn near impossible to get anyhting readable on the bus stop windows... i see two problems with this.. first, this is just gonna mean smaller writing inside the actual glass see through parts, and second, they did nothing to prevent people from going over the advertisements on the side since they didnt etch those! stupid bastards
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
ha look waht they are doing to prevent graffiti writers from scribing their names into bus stops now!

they etch the glass in diagonal patterns that you cant scribe into making it damn near impossible to get anyhting readable on the bus stop windows... i see two problems with this.. first, this is just gonna mean smaller writing inside the actual glass see through parts, and second, they did nothing to prevent people from going over the advertisements on the side since they didnt etch those! stupid bastards
they etch the glass in diagonal patterns that you cant scribe into making it damn near impossible to get anyhting readable on the bus stop windows... i see two problems with this.. first, this is just gonna mean smaller writing inside the actual glass see through parts, and second, they did nothing to prevent people from going over the advertisements on the side since they didnt etch those! stupid bastards