After being open since 1953, the new light rail line and a troubled economy has forced Porkys to shut its doors for good. The last night of business was this past sunday, April 3rd.
I learned about the closing on the 2nd, that saturday. Of course I had to head down to see the building one last time.
When I got there, to my amazement, the strerets were partially blocked off in front of Porkys and lines of cars were waiting to do burnouts. The crowd was massive and tire smoke was thick!
I watched for a long time and then "obtained" a lightbulb from the sign to remember this place forever with:
The next night, the true closing day of Porkys, I decided to head back there to see the place one final time. There was still people doing burnouts but the crowd was a little thinner this time:
A ton of news stations were there too:
I took some time to take pics from every possible angle I could.
A Porky's photoshoot isnt complete without the neon signs:
Of course I had to get some of the interior too:
I was one of the few standing around when they oficially ran out of food and locked the doors for the last time. ever.
I got some great shots through the window after people had cleared out and then headed home:
all of the places equipment from inside was auctioned off the next day at an online site. The interior neon sign went for $5600.00