1. nothing here is actually related to nickelodeon other then the giant stickers they pasted on everything that already was built.
2. nickelodeon today SUCKS DONKEY D***! kids these days dont have the joy of growing up with ren and stimpy, rockos modern life, rugrats, doug, aaaah real monsters, salute your shorts, hey dude, are you afraid of the dark (good) all that, pete and pete, clarissa explains it all, etc, etc. they have STUPID shows like dora the explorer, jimmy neutron, and more damn half hybrid cutesy japanese animation styled cartoons then you can shake a tv remote at! what happened to real animation!?!?!
oh yeah, almost forgot the picture of the park with all of the stickers and cardboard cutouts:
it would take about an hour to take just the nickelodeon themed stuff down and have this park back to being a generic theme park. they are probably doing this because mall of america cant keep ANYTHING good and they are preparing for the next change-over at the park and want to make it as instantaneous as possible with more stickers and cardboard cutouts for the next big craze to hit todays moronic youth!at least when it was camp snoopy, there was rides built in the shape of snoopy related things and everything followed some sort of theme. it probably took a 15 minute board meeting to decid "hey lets just put some stickers over everything and come up with some lame-ass names that have current nickelodeon characters names in them"my biggest gripe? they got rid of the friggin MYSTERY MINE RIDE! that was the last straw. so next time you are in the mall and pass one of the 4 enterances to the piece of crap that is "nickelodeon universe", extend a giant middle finger in its direction for me.