so a few weeks ago me and my friend dustin were waling through targets toy aisle and checking out all the lame toys that have come out since we stopped playing with toys and came across the GIJOE anniversary line.... (a while back you may remember that i posted about gijoe making the figures back to normal size again) the anniversary line is not new gijoe characters, but basically gijoes from past eras modelled with more articulation and WAAAY more detail... i almost had a small heart attack when i saw that they had remade storm shadow to represent his former 1988 camouflage scheme, only with more detail and badass-ness!!! check it out! he now resides on my desk as my protector from evil! i couldnt keep him in the package because he was so cool and i had to try out every last joint movement... yes, i am a dork.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
storm shadow
ok, so if any of you are wondering why my computer alias is "shadeone", well first off i used to umm... "paint" on "things" with spraypaint and that was my chosen name to write because the letters fit together so nicely... the other reason i chose this name is because of a GI JOE that i used to play with as a kid named Storm Shadow... he was the most badass ninja ever and i was infatuated with everything about him... every time i would watch the gijoe cartoons on saturday mornings, i would freak out when he came on beacuse he was so cool looking! and plus, ninjas just kick so much ass!! anyways, later on in life i managed to find the original gijoe that i had loved so much in its original 1988 packaging, at a toy booth in a collectibles section at a local car show... i immediately purchased it and ran home to place it in my lockbox for the rest of time...this is the 1988 Storm Shadow, still in its original blister pack, worth over $100 today:

so a few weeks ago me and my friend dustin were waling through targets toy aisle and checking out all the lame toys that have come out since we stopped playing with toys and came across the GIJOE anniversary line.... (a while back you may remember that i posted about gijoe making the figures back to normal size again) the anniversary line is not new gijoe characters, but basically gijoes from past eras modelled with more articulation and WAAAY more detail... i almost had a small heart attack when i saw that they had remade storm shadow to represent his former 1988 camouflage scheme, only with more detail and badass-ness!!! check it out! he now resides on my desk as my protector from evil! i couldnt keep him in the package because he was so cool and i had to try out every last joint movement... yes, i am a dork.
so a few weeks ago me and my friend dustin were waling through targets toy aisle and checking out all the lame toys that have come out since we stopped playing with toys and came across the GIJOE anniversary line.... (a while back you may remember that i posted about gijoe making the figures back to normal size again) the anniversary line is not new gijoe characters, but basically gijoes from past eras modelled with more articulation and WAAAY more detail... i almost had a small heart attack when i saw that they had remade storm shadow to represent his former 1988 camouflage scheme, only with more detail and badass-ness!!! check it out! he now resides on my desk as my protector from evil! i couldnt keep him in the package because he was so cool and i had to try out every last joint movement... yes, i am a dork.