air force one EXTREME ZOOM: (after taking this picture, the police arrived at the fenceline and told me that "the snipers on that rooftop informed me that they have you in their line of sight and they would like you to back away"
the president landed and go off air force one and straight on to marine one (the presedential helicopter) and took off. accompanying him were two blackhawks and another marine one decoy chopper in case of a ground launched missle attack or something... right after takeoff they shuffle around really fast and halfway to the destination the decoy returned to the airport...
there was even a THIRD decoy that stayed sitting at the air national guard base, just in case:
further down the runway is the C-5 galaxy that carries everything including the helicopters and motorcade vehicles:
marine one coming back from downtown RIGHT over my head:
even though the president is a moron, its still cool to see all the stuff that goes on surrounding a presidential visit at the airport... hes coming back in a few weeks so maybe i can get some more limo motorcade pics...