Friday, July 28, 2006
Look what ELSE I gots!!!this is the replacement to my old trusty sony ericsson camera phone.. its an MDA Vario from t-mobile and it runs windows mobile 5.0. basically a slimmed down version of the windows xp on your computer. You can do just about everything on this thing... internet browsing, word documents, pdf files, excel, powerpoint, email, messaging, IM-ing, taking pics and video, playing games, watching movies and all sorts of stuff. its got a touch screen that is pretty nifty. it also has the ability to run nintendo, super nintendo and sega genesis games ;) plus the keyboard slides out the side so you can type with your thumbs and not have to use stupid t-9by the way, my old sony phone is up for sale at $175... for the most mint condition phone that takes the best pics that a cameraphone will ever take... ask anyone that knows me and they will tell you how anal i am about keeping my phones in good condition... i mean for christs sake, i wont even let my girlfriend straddle me on the couch without pausing to take my phone out of my pocket!!!!