p.s. do you think it would have went different with this guy if i would have told him "nice car" from inside my lotus??
Thursday, July 13, 2006
fuckin ferraris
ok, this is why i dont like ferraris (actually its the owners i dont really like).... the car you see below is an F430 which is ferraris new awesome car designed to be cooler then the 360 modena that is ever-so-popular around here... last night was the first chance i got to see one as there arent very many in the state.... so as im drooling at this car, the owner comes out and gets into it and as hes getting in i tell him "nice car" and he just mumbles something like "yeah" and gets into his car.... i ask him if he knew about the exotic car show this coming weekend and hes like "no" very sternly and continues ignoring me. i tell him a few things about it and he just slams the door to his car in my face and without even looking at me says "cool" and immediately begins to ignore me again and starts the car up. now the thing that pisses me off is the fact that this guy didnt look like the typical rich ferrari owner... he was some short fat balding dude wearing a hawaiian print shirt that REALLY didnt look like he even knew what the hell kinda car he just got into much less deserve it at all...my point here is that i have never once been treated with respect from a ferrari owner... just about all of them that ive said "nice car" or even told them a fact about their car that they didnt know, have all just been jerks to me. and this is why i dont like the ferrari crowd. i know its a generalization but some stereotypes are just so god damn true its hard to ignore them. the lamborghini crowd on the other hand has been nothing but friendly whenever i ask a question. it seems like they are actually happy to give you answers and glad to know that there is someone aspiring to have what they have. and they arent all middle aged balding men who buy their cars in order to score dumb blondes. they buy the car for the sheer awesomeness of the car....seriously, if your going to go out and buy a car this friggin flashy and expensive, you better be god damn well prepared to be stared at, gawked at, people whispering behind your back, almost causing traffic accidents when they try to take cell phone pics of it and everything. these things make you a celebrity. end point is that most ferrari owners = douchebags with status symbol cars, and lamborghini owners = car lovers

p.s. do you think it would have went different with this guy if i would have told him "nice car" from inside my lotus??
p.s. do you think it would have went different with this guy if i would have told him "nice car" from inside my lotus??