the next day (wednesday) we woke up and went shopping along michigan ave which is where all the big brand name stores are.... i took advantage of this for some nice city picture-taking with my trusty cameraphone...
we also stopped in gold coast bentley in downtown and saw some nice cars including the first ever lamborghini murcielago ive ever seen... and the second... the red one was a roadster. they are all assholes there except for the front receptionist. they wouldnt let me take pictures but i snuck some anyways which explains the poor quality...
that night was the concert... we ended up waiting outside for a good half hour... the line stretched all the way down theside of the building, around the corner and then down another city block.
Eric Johnson was the opener for Satriani and he is an AMAZING guitar player as well. (download the song "Cliff of Dover")...
Satriani came out afterwards and did an INCREDIBLE show and played a lot of stuff from his new album and a lot of the old classics as well...
then we went back to the hotel and ate pizza and watched movies. part 2 coming shortly....