Wednesday, March 29, 2006
if you know me, you know that i LOVE spicy foods. if you dont know me, read through this journal and youll soon realize that i LOVE spicy foods. im not talking the average spicy which can be found at your local grocery store. not the "spicy" doritos, not the "hot salsa" from pace and not even the "911" (pathetic) chicken wings from hooters. im talking flamethrower hot hot hot! you see, peppers are rated on a scale called the scoville scale... a typical bell pepper rates at zero. jalapeno is at 2,500 to 5,000. the HOTTEST pepper on the list is the red savina habanero, ranking in at a hefty 350,000. (I dont care what you say, there is no pepper out there hotter than a habanero... no "custom hybrid", no "secret thai" pepper that was "just discovered" or whatever you may have heard. do your research!) The bottle of red powder you see below is produced by a guy named Blair. He makes some of the hottest hot sauces in the world, which contain pepper extract in order to make them even hotter. One of his famous sauces is called "Blairs mega death" and is on the scoville scale at 550,000 scoville units. this powder i obtained today is regular ground habanero (hot as hell already for most of you) but to top it off, the powder is sprayed directly with extract bringing it to the same level as the mega death sauce. see why it comes with the skull keychain and the warning on the label? ;)i tried a PINCH of this over a few spoonfulls of white rice today...... FUCK..... if after reading everything above you still dont get how insanely hot this stuff is, then i urge you to come sample it. it feels like a cross between someone stabbing your tongue with a million needles at once and then holding a crack-torch lighter to it. it doesnt go away with milk very easily either. in order to get the burning to be brought back down to something i could handle normally i had two full glasses of milk, a slice of cheese and i scraped my tongue off against my teeth for about ten minutes. it still hurt though.why do i do this you ask? well... its a rush. peppers cause your body to release endorphins which in turn cause you to feel good. i dont quite know how this works but its probly out there on the internet somewhere.