Sunday, February 12, 2006


so theres this pet store down on 66th street that sells only exotic saltwater fish like clownfish and all the fish in the fiding nemo movie and stuff.. starfishes and stuff... but they also got some badd ass mo-fo fish that can kill things!!!! i swear to god if i ever have loads of money im gonna get some sharks and stuff!first is the lionfish which some of you might rmember from an earlier entry last year.. this thing does have venomous spines but it really cant seriously injure humans:
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second, a barracuda! this one was a little baby and was only as long as a pencil but the guy said they get muuuuch bigger. theres lots of teeth inside the mouth...
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third, this is a bluespotted stingray. not the puny ass freshwater ones i posted last year either, this is the ones you find in the ocean that can sting the hell out of you if you step on them. he looked really pissed.
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fourth, i dont remember what kinda of shark this was but it was about a foot long and doesnt really get that big... still looked mean though:
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fifth, the best for last, a god damn horn shark!!! this dude is about $300 and will grow to over four feet long. you can see it in his eyes that he just wants to kill things. god i want him sooooo bad!!!!!
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