We stayed at the Palmer-House Hilton which is a $200+ a night hotel... This is the lobby:
This is our room. it is the third nicest room in the hotel, being that its on the only corner that can see lake Michigan and it is bigger than most of the other rooms:
The views looking out the windows in daylight:
Same views, at night:
Some panoramic shots of downtown. You could fit like 5 downtown minneapolises in this damn city!
This is a nice view from the river that goes through downtown. there are all sorts of nice boats cruising the waters on a saturday night and the architecture of the buildings on the river is amazing:
This is the Hancock center:
This is the Sears Tower. The highest building in North America. You can see 4 different states from it on a clear day.
Various views from the top of the Sears Tower:
This is a park called Millenium Park. It is quite new and is really cool becaues its like a little vacation right in the middle of downtown. This is the ampitheater and grassy lawn area. As you can see by the night time shot, people just come here and set out blankets and drink champagne and chill and stuff. the buildings lights change colors too...
This is a... umm... art installment / fountain at Millenium Park. A video of a face is projected on this (theres another one behind where the picture is taken from) for about ten minutes and it blinks and smiles and stuff and then about every ten minutes, the face puckers up and sprays all the people beneath it with water for about 20 seconds. TONS of kids come here to splash around and play every day. there are 1000 faces of various Chicago residents that it goes through.
finally, the CARS!!! This city is a damn Ferrari heaven. The pics below represent a small portin of waht was actually seen. There was 5 other 360 modenas and a few others as well. here are the 'rarris i got a chance to photograph:
oh and the LAMBORGHINI!!!!! minutes after this picture was taken, one looking just like this drove by down the street.
thats all for now folks, hope you enjoyed! I guess i owed you a lot of photos from my lack of update recently!