Friday, June 3, 2005
my new NEW baby!
the previous phone i got was just a placeholder for the one i recieved today :) the new Sony Ericsson K750i. This thing is about a gajillion times better then my old one. pictures are 2.0 megapixel, almost double the quality of the old one and right up there with the likes of some digital cameras on the market right now. Internal storage, can handle up to 4 gigabytes. thats more music mp3s then i will ever know what to do with. it also records unlimited video with sound in a higher resolution then the old one. oh and its a LOT smaller. i dont even notice it in my pocket. the cool thing about the camera on the back is the sliding cover that turns the camera mode on when you open it as you can see in the picture below. well folks, the pictures of my new cameraphone are the last pictures my old one is ever going to take.