Tuesday, June 14, 2005
so we decided to go and check out a haunted house that isreportedly minnesota's most haunted house. when i was a kid there wasthis book called haunted heartland and it was all these stories abouttrue haunted places around the midwest. the story about this house wasin it and i rememeered it the other day and searched for some more infoon the internet. dear god there is a lot out there. anyways, for allthe basics about the house history and the various ghosts there, gohere: http://www.hauntedhouses.com/states/mn/house2.htm .we just sat outside the house for a bit and stared at it and got outand walked around to the back. i have never gotten chills just bylooking at a piece of architecture before but this certainly did it forme. even if you dont know anything about the paranormal going-ons ofthis place it still freaks you the fuck out. the picture below justshows you the front but this thing is 4 stories and is a god damnmonstrosity of a mansion that kinda goes arouuuuuund the block. wedidnt see any ghosts or anything cool, except a light flickered realquick in the window above the front door.