Oceans 11:
this one is just a REALLY well put together movie with an awesome plot and incredible cast. lots of action and humor and a really good soundtrack too. plus it takes place in vegas which I want to go to very badly!
Die Hard:
THE action movie by which all others are judged. Bruce Willis fighting hostages in a skyscraper... waht else do you need?
Falling Down:
a lot of people haven't heard of this one but its about a character played by Michael Douglas who is on his way to see his daughter but things keep getting in the way and he goes psycho and does things that most of us think about but would never actually do (like holding a fast food joint hostage with a machine gun because he missed the breakfast menu by ten minutes and they wont let him order it)
Fight Club:
The first rule of fight club... umm, yeah, just go see this if you already havent. then watch it again because there will be LOTS that you missed the first time!
Finding Nemo:
yeah a LOT different then my other favorites but Pixar are GODS of the animation world and this movie proves it. Excellent storyline, vibrant colors so your eyes are always getting a lot to take in and overall a VERY good movie that everyone, not just kids, should see.