Sunday, April 24, 2005
ok, screw lionfish. i want a stingray more now! this petshop had one and they fed it a live earthworkm and the little ray just snuck up on it and whooped the things ass! it was gone in a matter of seconds! it then went back to sitting at the bottom of the tank every once in a while gliding gracefully to another sitting spot. the cool thing is, they are freshwater so it wont be really fucking hard ot keep salt levels up to par or anything! excude the words on the glass of the aquarium, the little dude wouldnt move for a better shot.
went exploring today along some railroad tracks in north minneapolis. came across an abandonded factory / mill of some sort... it had the usual ladders leading everywhere inside and graffiti evrywhere and stuff but at the bottom corner at foot level along the wall there was an open basement window that hadnt been boarded up like the rest. i took a look inside and saw a terribly creepy scene that looked like something out of a hooror movie. a completely flooded room with parts for machiens still in place as if someone just got up from a days work and forgot about it. there were hooks from the ceiling all over the place and the silence in the place was louder then you could ever imagine if you can understand what im saying. seriously i never want to go back to this place cus im getting goosebumps just typing this. it seriously looked like the type of place where you would see a dead body just float across the flooded floor. there was another room down the line that i neglected to get a picture of becaue it was way too dark.. someone had obviously been there before becuase in the corner of this room there was some graffit written on the wall that said "check it out!" with a little arrow pointing to the smallest cement staircase i have ever seen. i peered down the stairs using my phones flash LED as a flashlight and it was a small flooded labrynth of cooridoors and rooms that were all flooded and with NO light whatsoever. i could only stand at the bottom of the stairs because the next two steps were completely submerged under dank smelling water. needless to say this little cooridoor was even scarier then the room i just mentioned so i got the hell out of there before i saw any severed heads or anything. screw that place. if i ever go back, im going UP the stairs into the well lit places. not down into the depths of the dark scary abyss! anyways heres teh only picture that turned out. this is the first room i mentioned in the paragraph above:
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
more roar!
stopped at a fish store today and got some other shots of some more lion fish.. they had about 4 different variations, the first one here being about the size of a basketball! i just learned that they have a venomous sting too! anyways, heres the different guys i saw... the last two pics are probly the species im gonna go with if i ever get one. they are $80 each and about the size of half a football.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005
this is a dwarf lion fish. My new favorite fish ever. This little dude has blue eyes and just plain old rules! All sorts of frills all over and his surface almost looks scaly or spiky or something. He just looks like he could tear any other fish a new fishy-asshole. its too bad saltwater fish are so hard to take care of otherwise i i would have brough him home with me today. for 30 bucks. i already miss him!
dont do it!
dont hump!!!!ok, these signs are on train boxcars sometimes.. let me explain why. when a train enters certain train yards, the one line branchs off into about 20 or 30 other lines in order to sort where the boxcars go.... at the beginning, there is a little small hill that the train rolls up... then they disconnect one boxcar at a time and decide which lane its gonna go into in order to get to its destination.. kinda like sorting mail. well since its a hill, the trains coast down into their lanes and smash into the rest of the boxcars sitting there and jolt around and stuff. certain train cars carrying valuable merchandise cant be going over the hill or "hump" due to possible damage that could occur have these signs on them so they dont get smashed around. i had to steal this one cus it was almost falling off anyways.
Monday, April 18, 2005
i love trains. theres just something about being close to that much power. you feel the ground rumbling underneath you and all you hear is the earth shaking sounds of the raw steel barreling at you full force. I watched a news program one time about train wrecks and they said that a train crushing a car is the equivilent of a car crushing a tin can. i love it! anyways, heres a train i saw today. i got kicked out of this spot because i was "too close". bastards
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Yesterday, I got to welcome home my new baby. This is the Sony Ericsson S700i. The best cameraphone on the market right now. This thing wasnt cheap, weighing in at a whopping $528.00. Why pay this much for a phone you ask? Well, i dont feel like lugging a digital camera, around with me all the time.
the design is very unique. It looks like a digital camera with a large screen on the back but the back swivels open to reveal the keypad for the phone and text entry.
The camera on this thing is fucking amazing. If you were to look at any pictures from the other cameraphones on the market on a computer screen, they are plain shit. you get 600x800 resolution with really blurry photos. This phone is essentially a camera with built in phone. It takes pictures with 1280x960 and has more options in it then you could ever want as far as light balance, and all those nifty digital camera options.
This thing also includes video capturing capabilities (unlimited length, not like the 15 second shit on the common phones), MP3 player (up to a 2 gigabytes of songs on removable storage cards), internet browser (not the small slimmed down pages, this is full html with colors browsing), fm radio, and lots of other shit. All future photos for this journal will most likely be taken by this phone.
You ever have a place that you can go to that has so much history that when you walk around it you can not turn your head without remembering something that happened? This lake is that place for me. Its called Centennial Lakes and its basically my home away from home. Ive watched this place be built and go through a ton of transformations and turn into the most beautiful place to spend time. I wont go on and on about it but this place is the best place for me to go to clear my head, excerzise, and if im with that special someone, its lit up really romantically at night and you can see the stars really good from certain areas. This picure doesnt even show half of the park. it was just a good angle and I felt like playing mr. professional photographer today.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Saturday, April 9, 2005
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